Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rainbows - Lori Blog

I have never seen so many rainbows as I have seen in my short time in Nunavut. Sometimes two in a day. Once, I/we even saw a double rainbow! Imagine that, a double rainbow! The other interesting part, is that twice I saw the full rainbow, in other words, the whole arc and where they grounded. No, there were no pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. But we always knew that. Maybe more to the point, the Earth itself is the pot of gold.

Unfortunately, in my rush, I don't think my pictures of the double rainbow came out. I have this curious ability to multi-task my thumbs at the wrong time, and end up pressing more buttons than I should be!

We are home now, unpacking and doing laundry. But stories continue to "bubble" through. So we will likely continue to blog for awhile as we absorb the aftermath of our great adventure. More soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The rainbows sound beautiful - and all that new knowledge, I would love to chat about it when I get back from N.S. See you both soon,

xoxo jess

p.s. do you want me to bring you anything back from paradise?